1. Sumer is Icumen In

2. King Henry

3. So Ben Mi Ch'a Bon Tempo

4. Bonnie St. Johnstone

5. O Sleep, Fond Fancy

6. Remember, O thou man,

7. Shenandoah 

8. Blackleg Miner

9. Trafalgar Square

10. There is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast

11. Java Jive

12. Night and Day 

13. Orange-Coloured Sky

14. Drinking Wine Spo-dee-o-dee

15. A-11

16. See My Friends 

17. Friday On My Mind 

18. Tempted 

19. Oops! I Did It Again 

20. Cry Me A River

21. 1985

22. Sam Hall


Made in EU RT1000SP, U.S. Cat. No. CKV-CD-4756


The Players: 

Richard Thompson

Accompanied by:

Judith Owen - vocals, keyboards

Debra Dobkin - percussion, vocals


Featuring Richard Thompson (Guitar, Vocals), Judith Owen, (Keyboards, Vocals) and Debra Dobkin(Percussion, Vocals), this live concert recorded at Bimbo's in San Francisco is a musical survey of the popular music of the last 1000 years. 


1) 1000 Years of Popular Music CD
2) 1000 Years of Popular Music DVD w/2 bonus CDs. 

Total running time: 106 minutes.

16:9 widescreen. All region NTSC - may not play on some older equipment. 


(R) & (C) 2006 Richard Thompson under exclusive license to Cooking Vinyl Ltd. All rights of the producer and owner of recorded work reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, renting, public performance and broadcasting of this record is prohibited. 


Cooking Vinyl PO Box 1845 London W3 OZA England www.cookingvinyl.com


LC:7180 WAG704 made in EU


Directed by Erik Nelson

Edited by Joe Bini

Produced by Wes Dorman and Simon Tassano

Live Concert Mix and Music Audio Mix - Simon Tassano

Mixed at Rumiville Studio, Austin, TX

Director of Photography Wes Dorman

Camera Jim Dunn and Jared Johnson

Video Engineer Kevin Brown

Production Audio Gerry Berkowitz

Post Prodiction Mixer Michael Klinger

Tree Falls

Online Editing Mark Beutal, CCI Digital


CD Master Assembled by Ed Haber

CD Mastered by Jim Wilson at Yes Mastering, Austin, TX


Special Thanks

Bimbo's 365 Club, San Francisco, CA

Henry Kaiser

Joel Selvin


Executive Producer for Creative Differences

Dave Harding


Executive Producer

Tim Bernett


Creative Differences and Beeswind Music (c) 2006 All Rights Reserved 



Tim Bernett/The Fitzgerald Hartley Company



Frank Riley/High Road Touring (N. America)

Paul Fenn/Asgard Agency (Europe)



Terri F. Baker, Esq. 


Package Design

Al Quattrocchi and Jeff Smith

Tornado Design, Los Angeles


Cover Illustration

Bruce McCall


Back Cover Photo

Tom Dube


For Richard Thompson: Tom Dube - Monitor Engineer

Simon Tassano - FOH Engineer, Tour Manager

Jayne Cotten - Crowd Wrangler


Sumer is Icumen In, King Henry, So Ben Mi Ca Bon Temp, Bonnie St. Johnstone, Shenandoah, Blackleg Miner, I live in Trafalgar Square, There is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast, and Sam Hall arranged by Richard Thompson, published by Beeswing Music (Bug Music); O Sleep Fond Fancy published by E.C. Schirmer Music Co; Remember Thou O Man published by G. Schirmer Inc.; Java Jive published by Advance Music c/o Warner Bros Inc/Sony Music Inc; Night and day published by Harms Inc c/o Warner Bros Inc; Orange Coloured Sky published by Amy-Dee Music Corp; Drinking Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee published by Universal MCA Music Publishing; A-11 published by Sony/ATV; See My Friends published by American Metropolitan Enterprises c/o Sony/ATV; Friday on My Mind published by EMI Unart Catalog Inc; Tempted published by EMI Blackwood Music Inc; Oops!...I Did it Again published by Zomba Music Publishing Co c/o Universal Music Publishing; Cry Me a River published by Chappell Co Inc/Warner Chappell North America; 1985 published by Drop Your Pants Publishing c/o Zomba/Matzoh Ball Music c/o EMI April


The idea came from Playboy Magazine - I was asked to submit a list in late 1999 of the 10 greatest songs of the Millennium. Ha! I thought, hypocrites, they didn't mean millennium, they mean 20 years - I'll call their bluff and do a real thousand year selection. My list was similar to the choices here on this DVD and CD set, starting in about 1068, and winding up in 2001. That they failed to print my list among others submitted by rock luminaries is a slight wound - it gave me the idea for this show. The premise is that Popular Music comes in many forms, through many ages, and as older forms get superceded, sometimes the baby is thrown out with the bathwater - great ideas, tunes, rhythms, styles get left in the dust of history, so let's have a look at what's back there and see if it still does the trick. I am unqualified to sing 98% of the material here, but me having a go could be considered part of the fun. Also, trying to render an Arthur Sullivan orchestration with acoustic guitar and snare drum is pretty desperate stuff, but may, at a stretch be thought "charming." The show is roughly chronological, with slight deviations for pacing, and the songs are the true stars. Climb aboard our magic steamroller of music, and hold very tight, please. - Richard Thompson